Sunday, October 9, 2016

Slingbag with a suit jacket?!?! I thought you were a professional!

It's 8 AM on a Sunday and I'm sitting in the airport. This will make my 4th week in a row traveling. I have 2 more to go before I can begin to recover. At age 43, traveling is beginning to become a burden.

There are many things that I could write about but one in particular is going to get my attention. My sling pack. There has been much talk recently about wearing backpacks while in a suit. I am of the camp that you shouldn't do it, but not for the reasons that most have been stating. I don't do it because it messes up the jacket. I could care less about how it looks. (oh, I have tattoos too so feel free to complain about that too).

There will always be those people who will complain because a person does not look "traditional" or "professional." My question to them is, are you paying my consulting fees for fashion advice or for the 20+ years of experience I bring to the table? Don't get me wrong, I will wear a suit when I am talking to your "c-suite" or slacks and a company polo or button-down the rest of the time. As a representative of my company, I do not get to do what I want. With that said, when I show up carrying, in my hands, a sling pack, back off.

You should be asking "Why is this guy carrying a sling pack?" The easiest way to answer that question is with a video from my friend Tom Moore. His AIDE 2016 presentation, Minimalistic Physical Assessment Kit, changed my life in a couple of ways. One is that I now use a sling pack for everything; work, hiking, and sight seeing. 

I hope his presentation is helpful. If you want a sling pack for yourself, I recommend the Overwatch Sling Pack from Yukon Outfitters. Track it on Woot! to get the best deal.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I'm baaaaaccccckkkkk!

Hello InfoSec world! I just wanted to let everyone know I will begin blogging again!

The Long Journey Back!
The first thing I want to blog about is a shout out to Johnny Long and his family. It looks like the Long's have come home after, what was it, 7 years in Uganda. Welcome home and I look forward to helping you here in the states. My family trip to Uganda and Kenya last year serves as a high point in my life. You were truly doing God's work and I am proud to say I could help!
Want more info, click here >

Derby! Derby! Derby!
I have been selected to speak at DerbyCon 6.0 "Recharge!" My talk this year is entitled "Hacking for Homeschoolers: STEM Projects for under $20." I am tentatively scheduled for Saturday at 3PM. Please drop in for a little bit of a Maker Faire, some cool toys, and learnin'.
Want more info on DerbyCon, click here

P.S. Are you a person of faith? Do you have questions? Do you want to slow down and fellowship with fellow Christians during a hectic weekend conference? Don't forget about CrossCon at Derbycon!

PCI Community Meeting
I will be attending the 2016 North American PCI CM this September. The week of DerbyCon by the way. (Prayers needed now please). If you want me to ask any specific PCI questions, feel free to ask your question below or contact me directly by one of the means highlighted on the right frame.

The Main Event
Last month I went with several men from Immanuel Baptist Church to The Main Event in Nashville, TN. This was a blast! Not only did I get to fellowship with some of the men of my church, I got to meet and talk with men from all over America. There were guest speakers such as Tim Tebow, Nick Vujicic, TC Stallings, and Jonathan Evans. I particularly likes the speech by Jimmy Sites. He is a Christian adventurer/hunter/outdoorsman whose show, Spiritual Outdoor Adventures, can be seen online, on DirecTv channel 604, or on Dish channel 393.

Vietnam! and Japan!
My family is in the midst of planning a trip to Japan and Vietnam for October. We will be gone of r2 weeks. The purpose of this trip is to allow my son Isaac to see the country of his birth and be a Christian witness to the world. This will not be a mission trip like last year's Uganda and Kenya trip. I will use this forum to blog about our travels. You can expect some security advice as well (after all, this is a Security Blog).

Bye for now!