Wednesday, May 21, 2014

BSides Nashville: The wrap-up

Elvis is in the building!
     Yep, that happened. Not only did BSides Nashville have world class speakers, free ribs for lunch, and a healthy turnout of first time con-goers (round 70% said it was their first con), they had this guy! The only negative comment I have about the whole thing is that my work laptop - with my presentation - crashed. This didn't affect me too much since I had my presentation saved in multiple places and only had to recreate about an hour worth of work.

     If you want to watch my presentation, click here. As always, thanks to Adrian for donating his time and energy to recording the talks. Also, thanks to the organizers for allowing me to help Adrian. You should all volunteer at least once at a con. There is no easier way, to give back to the community.
Here are the things I messed up in my presentation that I want to call out:  
1. Totally butchered the meaning of Confidentiality. I got caught up in the moment.
2. I didn't come up with the tag line on the sticker.
3. The "small cons that don't mean anything" line was the result of my sending a CFP to a large, well known conference. They responded by my query by saying that line.
4. The $80 I spent for the RachelPi was raised by Emily.
5. Not EVERY presentation in the military has a Sun Tzu quote. Just the ones given by the rear echelon people.
6. I do know what a "belt and suspenders" DMZ is, I just haven't seen one in a while.
7. My buddy that calls people "business units" is from Spain so he doesn't have a mastery of English.

Thanks for your time and I hope to see you at Circle City Con in Indianapolis.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

ISSA Kentuckiana NMAP Workshop

What do you get when you combine hacking with charity? Hackers for Charity of course. On May 10th, the Kentuckiana Chapter of ISSA once again showed their heart when they offered an NMAP class for all levels of hackers. The price of this well done class was a paltry $40 donation to "The Long Journey to Africa" of Hackers for Charity.

The instructors were well known and well respected industry experts Jeremy Druin (@webpwnized)Adrian Crenshaw (@irongeek_adc), and Martin Bos (@purehate_).  

I would like to also thank Sullivan College of Technology and Design for allowing the use of their facilities.

If you are interested in watching the presentation, Adrian will post it on his training and education server at

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

BSides Nashville: There is an app for that!

Looks like the founders of BSides Nashville have kicked it up a notch (again!). Today in the Twitterverse I noticed they were pushing an app that enables con-goers to carry their program on their cellphone. Check out the tweet:
After downloading the Eventjoy app I was able to see maps of the con, the speaker list, speaker bios, sponsor information, and notifications (as well as other things). The coolest thing about the app was the ability to build "My Agenda" from the "Schedule" menu with a simple click.

The app rocks and BSides Nashville should be commended on having the foresight to use it.

Which begs the question, why aren't more cons using these kind of tools to enhance the con experience?