Monday, September 30, 2013

DerbyCon 3.0 is over, CPEs logged, It's a wrap!

     I have just logged my CPEs so it must be over. Another DerbyCon has come and gone. Friends were reunited for a flash and life will be returning to normal soon. I always write something about the cons I attend and this is no different. Well, maybe it is a little different.
     You see, this year's DerbyCon was completely different for me. After helping Adrian Crenshaw (Irongeek) with video at BSides Las Vegas, I offered my services again. This time, my reasons were less selfish. (After all, I was late to the game for BSides and couldn't get a ticket unless I volunteered). This time, my purpose was to give back. The crew of DerbyCon have each helped me in some way or another in the past 3 years so I felt the call. They are not aware of how they have helped so here it is:

1. DerbyCon has put me in touch with a new crop of people who have similar experiences in IT/Security burnout.
2. I have been able to talk to industry leaders and determine my future Information Security roadmap/career.
3. The quality of my work has increased due to me having a core of colleagues that I can bounce ideas off of.
4. I just enjoy talking to people again...

I tried not to bore you guys with a recap of the briefings I sat through. After all, you can just check those out at the website. Thanks for taking time to read my blog and, as always, feel free to comment.

And again, thanks for putting on a great "family" style conference. See you next year (I'll be the guy in the Staff t-shirt and the hip toy).

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

DerbyCon 3.0 - All in the Family

Welcome to DerbyCon 3.0 – “All in The Family”.

     It is that time of the year again. Every September (for the past 3 years anyway) InfoSec professionals, hackers, and the 3l33t descend on Louisville, KY for a week of technical training, presentations, and more importantly hallway con. I am looking forward to catching up with friends and making new ones. If you are going, feel free to hit me up. You can contact me on Twitter at @cowboysfaninky or email at I can't wait to see you there!  

Goals: It is hard to hit the target if you can't see it

Pick up just about any self help guide or management book and you will read about the virtues of written goals. I have had great personal success over the years by writing down, and working from, goal sheets that include short-, medium- and long-term goals. Because of this success, I have decided to do the same with my bucket list. After perusing the interwebs, I decided to use a website called This website allows the user to create a bucket list with a Pentrest feel to it. Feel free to check out the site and my bucket list. You can find my bucket list at

As always, feel free to leave a comment.